Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Learning Outcomes

In order to meet the IB requirements for CAS, I must show significant personal growth in all of the learning outcomes. I will tag (label) every post that shows learning with the corresponding learning outcome. This will help me in the future!!! Mrs. Wright promised.

  1. discovered strength / discovered weakness
  2. new challenge
  3. plan / initiate
  4. collaborated
  5. perseverance / commitment
  6. global issue
  7. ethics
  8. new skill

1 comment:

  1. I am searching for a ex girl friend of mine who has the same name as yours. I was wondering if you lived in Austin / West Lake area in Texas off of Barton Skyway and Spyglass at the Spyglass apartments with your aunt Audrey Patton? If so my name is Cory. Please email me back if you are her and if you remember me.
